Advanced Course on: “Combating international organized crime” 11 – 18 febbraio 2025

On February 18, 2025, the “Combating International Organized Crime” advanced course came to an end. It was a significant event attended by leading authorities from police forces and civil society.

The closing ceremony was chaired by the SFP Director, National Police Dirigente Generale Maurizio Vallone, and attended by the Provincial Chief of Police of Caserta, National Police Dirigente Generale Andrea Grassi, the Provincial Commander of the Carabinieri Corps Colonel Manuel Scarso and the Provincial Commander of the Guardia di Finanza Corps, Colonel Nicola Sportelli, and the Director of the Caserta National Police Cadet School, Primo Dirigente Adele Monaco. The Director of the Caserta-based Scuola Internazionale di Alta Formazione per la prevenzione ed il contrasto al crimine organizzato, Colonel of the Carabinieri Corps Domenico Forte, the Consul General of Algeria, Mr. Chaouki Chemmam, and the Honorary Consul of India, Mr. Gianluigi Traettino, also attended.

The course was launched on February 11, 2025 at the Caserta-based Scuola Internazionale di Alta Formazione per la prevenzione ed il contrasto al crimine organizzato and represented an important innovation. Indeed, for the first time, its duration was extended to three weeks, thus allowing the topics covered to be expanded and deepened. New modules and lectures were also introduced, including those given by the heads of local police authorities and representatives of civil society, such as the former president of Confindustria Campania, Mr. Traettino, an entrepreneur and current honorary consul of India.

Trainees were from eighteen countries, i.e. Algeria, Australia, Croatia, Germany, Jordan, Greece, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Switzerland, Spain, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Libya, Tunisia, and Saudi Arabia. The Italian trainees were eleven officials and officers from police forces, with specific experience in the area of organized crime.

The proposed training programme was unanimously appreciated by the participants, who underlined the usefulness of the course in enriching their cultural background, both in theoretical and practical terms. A fundamental contribution to the success of the educational lectures came from prominent figures of the Italian Anti-mafia including the Public Prosecutor of Naples, Mr. Nicola Gratteri, the SCO Director, Mr. Vincenzo Nicolì, and other experienced magistrates and representatives of the Italian Police Forces.

This course not only allowed participants to hone their professional skills, but also demonstrated the importance of international cooperation in combating organized crime. The possibility for police forces from different nations to share experience and knowledge is crucial to creating a stronger and more united front against transnational crime. Indeed, the training and continued growth of law enforcement professionals is one of the main keys to successfully combat increasingly complex and globalized criminal organizations.

In short, this course was not just an important opportunity for updating and comparison, but above all a token of hope and common commitment, uniting people and institutions from all over the world in a cause that concerns everyone. The collaboration and commitment at the international level make us look to the future with confidence, being well aware that only by joining forces we can win the battle against organized crime and protect our society.