Other courses

Along with the Advanced Training Courses, the Interagency Law Enforcement Academy of Advanced Studies delivers many other courses, some of which, over the years, have been scheduled every academic year with the aim of making the Academy an institution able to obtain the best results. As a matter of fact, the Academy has provided and currently provides major opportunities to improve the culture of security.

At the moment, the Academy organizes also the following courses:

  • refresher courses on Interagency Law Enforcement Coordination and International Cooperation, aimed at increasing the knowledge of new legislation as well as of new management, organizational and operational techniques as well as at integrating and coordinating Police Forces’ activities . This course has a 5 weeks’ duration. 
  • I and II level Crime Analysis Courses, which extend, respectively over a period of 5 and 6 weeks. They are aimed, respectively, at providing the following:
    • a valid and useful support to the development of the investigation activities through the study and assessment of organized crime activities (I level);
    • a valid and useful support to conduct an in-depht analysis of criminal contexts, strategies and scenarios (II level). Access is limited to Level I Course’ attendees.
  • refresher courses for security experts, having a 5 weeks’ duration, consisting of two teaching sections:
    • the first section, based on a e-learning module, organized by the Interagency Law Enforcement Academy of Advanced Studies;
    • the second section, consisting of four modules held at the following offices:
      • the Criminal Police Central Directorate;
      • the Anti-Drug Central Directorate;
      • study visits to the Ministry of the External Affairs and the International Cooperation and other bodies, organized by the Criminal Police Central Directorate in concert with the Anti-Drug Central Directorate;
      • the Interagency Law Enforcement Academy of Advanced Studies.

The Refresher Courses on Interagency Law Enforcement Coordination and International Cooperation as well as I and II level Crime Analysis Courses are open to Italian Senior Officers from Police Forces (up to the grade/rank of Vice Questore Aggiunto or Lieutenant-Colonel). Senior Officers from Local Police Forces can attend the Refresher Courses on Interagency Law Enforcement Coordination and International Cooperation as well as the I and II level Crime Analysis Courses as observers.

The Refresher Courses for Security Experts are organized in relation to the training needs identified by the Criminal Police Central Directorate as well as by the Anti-Drug Central Directorate and they are dedicated to Senior Police Offcers to be detached abroad.