Security Expert

The figure of security expert, which was introduced by Decree Law no. 225/2010, converted into Law no 10 of 26 February 2011, is engaged in implementing and developing international cooperation in the field of prevention and repression of crime, terrorism and cross-border trafficking, such as trafficking in drug or psychotropic substances as well as trafficking in human beings.

The Refresher Courses for Security Experts are organized in relation to the training needs identified by the Criminal Police Central Directorate as well as by the Anti-Drug Central Directorate and they are dedicated to Senior Police Officers who will be enagaged to work abroad.

Upon completion of the course, the trainees have to pass a final exam before a proper board of teachers on the subjects and issues studied during the training activity (D. P.R. No 423 of 11 June 1986). The final evaluation is based on the assessments made during the course and the results of the final exam (D.P.R. no 423 of 11 June 1986).