Panel discussion on “Water, Health, Environmental Challenges and New Models of Prevention and Security”, held at the Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia  

On 13 February 2025, the “Prefetto Carlo Mosca” Conference Hall at the Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia (SFP) hosted a meeting on the environmental challenges related to water, an essential asset for our security, health and well-being. The SFP Director, National Police Dirigente Generale Maurizio Vallone, opened the session and emphasized the urgency of addressing the increasing scarcity and declining quality of the water resource as a security issue.

Mr. Alessandro Leto, Director of the Water Academy, introduced the debate by quoting an ancient African citation: “When you drink, remember the source”. With a focus on sustainability, he highlighted the increasing pressure on global water systems, and stressed the need for strong policies and careful  water management to safeguard public health.

Mr. Francesco Buresti, Chief Executive Officer of Acea Acqua, highlighted the unevenness of water management in Italy, with obsolete infrastructures and resources sometimes exposed to climate change. His speech underlined the importance of modernising water networks and reducing waste, also in order to avoid that the intensification of industrial and agricultural consumption could risk compromising water security.

Mr. Gianluca Loffredo, Vice Commissario straordinario for reconstruction in flood-affected territories, continued the debate by focusing on the effectiveness of interventions during the emergency phase and on the challenges of ordinary water resource management. Mr. Loffredo recalled that, with the increase in risks linked to climate change and growing urbanisation, it is necessary to take into account the need to create the so-called “flood service” to ensure water security in emergencies.

Professor Marcella Trombetta, Dean at the Campus Bio-Medico University in Rome, highlighted the close link between water, health and food safety, recalling the serious health crises caused by the contamination of water resources. Water, in fact, is vital for our well-being, but any pollutants in its composition can have harmful effects on public health.

Mr. Giuseppe Novelli, Professor of Medical Genetics at the Tor Vergata University of Rome and former Rector of that University, illustrated the history of the use of water which was considered to be a sanitizer substance in medicine and the growing concern about the proliferation of viruses and epidemics. He also explained the relevance of microplastics, the presence of which has now been found in almost all living organisms, thus emphasising the urgency of addressing these issues with a “One Health” approach, which recognises the interconnection between all the various scientific disciplines and the environment.

In the course of the debate, “One Health”, an integrated approach combining human, animal and environmental health, was also discussed, and the need to monitor risks related to microplastics and other emerging threats was also highlithed.

Mr. Luca Lucentini of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità reiterated the importance of ecological water monitoring, while the Secretary of the Autorità del Bacino, Mr. Marco Casini, focused the attention on the urgency of ongoing monitoring activity, given the geological and demographic fragility of Italy.

Mrs. Valeria Frittelloni, Director of ISPRA’s Department for Environmental Assessment, Monitoring and Sustainability, analyzed the issue of monitoring industrial plants and emphasized the importance of ensuring the proper treatment of wastewater and its reuse for agricultural purposes.

At the end of the conference, Deputy Environment Minister Vannia Gava emphasized the importance of integrated policies for water management and water security, pointing to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRP) as an opportunity to renew infrastructure and protect national water resources. The challenge is open: to ensure water for all, to protect the environment and to support economic growth. The global protection of our planet depends on concrete choices and the commitment of every single actor, from institutions to companies.

This meeting brought to light the following: the future of water is a collective challenge that requires immediate and far-sighted action.