On 27 October 2023, the Course on Cyber Crime came to an end. The Director of the Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia, National Police Dirigente Generale Maurizio Vallone and the Director of the Scuola di Alta Formazione, Carabinbieri Corps Lieutenant Colonel Domenico Forte, delivered their closing remarks. This Course had started on Monday 16 October 2023 at the Caserta-based Scuola Internazionale di Alta formazione per la Prevenzione ed il Contrasto al Crimine Organizzato di Caserta.
Several foreign countries from a lot of geographic areas around the world participated in this event. Twenty-two countries, from the near Polonia to the distant Thailandia, are to be mentioned: Algeria, Jordan, Philippines, Kazakhstan, Malta, Croatia, Romania, Repubblic of San Marino, Ghinea Bissau, Kosovo, Latvia, Sweden, Irland, Switzerland, Portugal, Bulgaria, Spain, Greece, Mozambique, Argentina, as well as the above-mentioned Polonia and Thailandia
As regards the Italian Police Forces, ten trainees belonging to the National Police, Carabinieri Corps and Guardia di Finanza Corps, who are Police Forces Officers/Official already working in the field of cyber crime, took part in this Course and expressed their heartfelt appreciation for the comprehensive knowledge they have acquired during this training activity. Some experts in this field, coming both from Police Forces and from Italian cyber security sector, offered their contribution to develop the know how of these training activities, such as for example the Technical Director Mr. Claudio Aletta from the Postal and Communication Police Service, National Police Primo Dirigente Mrs. Claudia di Persio, who focused on the international cooperation at strategic level, Carabinieri Corps Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Lombardi from the Anti-Drug Central Directorate (DCSA according to the Italian acronym) who focused on the hard fight against drug trafficking and dealing on dark web. Moreover,some representatives ofthe academic world particpated in this event, such as Professors Gerardo Costabile and Aaron Visaggio, who dealt with topics concerning cyber threat intelligence anddigital investigation as well as the machine learning artificial intelligence, I.O.T. and big data systems. The more strictly legal topic addressed by Stefano Mele, a lawyer, also aroused a considerable interest, since he dealt with the phenomenon of terrorism in the form of attacks and cyber warfare.