Partnership with the Institute of Advanced Studies of the French Ministry of the Interior (IHEMI) in Paris

On 24 March 2025, the Director of the Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia (SFP) National Police Dirigente Generale Maurizio Vallone, welcomed the colleagues from the Institute of Advanced Studies of the French Ministry of the Interior (IHEMI) in Paris, thus starting  a week of joint training in our country. The event took place in the “Prefetto Carlo Mosca” Conference Hall at theSFP.

This visit, aiming at strengthening  the relations between Italian and French security institutions, included a series of meetings with Italian Police Forces, agencies and institutions operating in this sector, with the aim of deepening common strategies and practices for the management of security at domestic and international level.

During the event, Prefetto Stefano Gambacurta, Deputy Director General of Public Security and in charge of the coordination and planning activities of the Police Forces, recalled the historical moments and the main legal steps that led Italian security sector to its current organization.

It is certainly a complex structure, made up of four Police Forces, which, however, thanks to the coordination exercised at central level by the Minister of the Interior as the National Public Security Authority and at peripheral level by the Prefetti, is able to deal efficiently and effectively with the many challenges and threats to public order.

Then, the  Carabinieri Corps Brigadier General  Alessandro Della Nebbia,  took the floor to illustrate the activities of the SFP, and provided his French colleagues with an in-depth overview of the training programmes and initiatives that have characterized this Italian institute for years.

The Service Director of IHEMI, Professor Christophe Soullez, went on to present the aims and teaching methods of his prestigious French Institute, thus highlighting how international cooperation is a fundamental pillar of its training offer.

Mr. Soullez also emphasized the importance of the partnership with the SFP, which allows a direct and constructive comparison of best practices in the field of security and emergency management.

Moreover, Professor Soullez mentioned the visit that the Italian  Advanced Training Course of SFP will make next week to Paris, an opportunity to deepen French experiences in a context of great educational value. This partnership not only strengthens relations between Italy and France in the field of security, but also represents an extraordinary opportunity for mutual growth, with the aim of constantly improving the preparation of Police Force professionals to effectively respond to global security challenges.