In the morning of 6 April 2022, the meeting on the topic “The reform of justice” was held at the “Prefetto Carlo Mosca” Conference Hall. The Minister of Justice, Professor Marta Cartabia, participated in this event together with some prominent institutional authorities belonging to the judicial and academic circles.
In his welcome speech the Academy Director, Major General from the Carabinieri Corps Giuseppe La Gala, underlined that this event is part of the curriculum of the XXXVII Advanced Training Course, which this year is focused on the study and detailed analysis of the innovative initiatives provided for by the National Resilience and Recovery Plan (PNRR according to the Italian acronym), as well as on their consequences on security. Moreover, the Director highlithed that this meeting, intended to be an opportunity for the exchange of different points of view aimed at finding the most efficient good practices, represents the peculiar training pattern of the Scuola di Perfezionamento, which takes into account the different approaches as an added value of the Italian “security system”.
Then, the Chief of Police – Director General of Public Security Department, Prefetto Lamberto Giannini, illustrated this event and declared the following: “We firmly believe in the training activity. This course is intended to hone the professional expertise of the best Senior Police Officers/Officials and to enable them to address and handle the most important issues to be faced in our country. As a matter of fact, this debate has been organized with the aim of analyzing the remarkable reform of justice and knowing the intentions and purposes of the highest representatives of justice. This is very important for us”.”.
The Attorney General at the Corte Suprema di Cassazione (the highest judicial authority) Mr Giovanni Salvi, and the Deputy Chair of that Court, Mrs. Margherita Cassano, as well as the President of the Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione (National Administration College), Professor Paola Severino and Professor Emeritus of Criminal Law Mr Franco Coppi illustrated in details the changes introduced by the delegated law of 27 September 2021, nr. 134 regarding the reform of criminal justice and participated in the debate concerning the relevant consequences of that reform. They deeply analyzed, respectively, the following crucial issues of the reform: the “predictability in the judicial system”, the’“mandatory prosecution and the new trial timeline”, “the restorative justice” and the relations between “reform and defence”.a”.
The conclusions of the debate, which was led by Mr Giovanni Bianconi, a journalist of the Corriere della Sera newspaper, were pointed out by the Minister of Justice, Professor Marta Cartabia, who underlined that the main purpose of this reform is to increase the efficiency of the criminal proceedings and, at the same time, to emphasize two further crucial aspects of the judicial activity: the independence of judges and the quality of the judiciary. These innovations arise from the need to achieve specific, realistic and unavoidable targets set out in the P.N.R.R. in relation to the lenght of criminal and civil proceedings (this latter is the subject of another provision), but this reform will affect also other essential fields such as tax law, business crisis and judicial system.
The achievement of these targets, which have a strategic value since they represent one of the conditions for the granting of the European funds provided for by the P.N.R.R., is essential for the recovery of our country and is consistent with the constitutional and supranational principles of “reasonable time of proceedings”, that is a fundamental requirement for a “fair trial”.