On 16 September 2024, the Director of the Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia, National Police Dirigente Generale Maurizio Vallone, welcomed the trainees of the XL Advanced Training Course, who started their training activity at this Institute.
This year the Course is attended by 19 Senior Police Officers/Officials belonging to the four Police Forces (National Police, Carabinieri Corps, Guardia di Finanza Corps and Prison Police), as well as by six auditors belonging to Police Forces of foreign countries (Senegal, Argentina, Brasil, Kenya, United Arab Emirates).
A short welcome ceremony marked the beginning of this training period aiming at facing the new challenges to security. During the ceremony, the Director of the Scuola di Perfezionamento underlined the different aspects characterizing this peculiar training activity, as well as the importance to set up a network of professional and human relations affecting the whole professional life and representing a real “added value” of this Course.
This outstanding event represented a kind of handover between the XXXIX Advanced Training Course and the current Course. Then, the leader of the XXXIX Advanced Training Course, Carabinieri Corps Colonel t. SFP Alessandro Andrei, as well as Guardia Di Finanza Corps Colonel Filippo Bianchi, Prison Police Managament Grade Officer Elena Vetrano and National Police Vice Questore Giorgia Iafrate welcomed the new trainees. Moreover, the Subcomisario of the Federal Police of Argentina, Claudio Ignacio Rivadeo, connected remotely to represent the foreign auditors who, last June, completed their training activity along with their Italian colleagues.
At the end of this short ceremony, the new trainees introduced themselves. This year, for the first time, the Course leader is a representative of the Prison Police, Primo Dirigente Cristina Esposito.