On Monday 13 May 2024, at the IHEMI headquarters in Paris, the SFP Director, Maurizio Vallone, and the IHEMI Director, Jean-Bernard Bobin, signed a “Partnership Letter” aimed at strengthening international police cooperation in the field of training through the planning and implementation of advanced training activities and specialized research projects.
In addition to the IHEMI senior management, the Deputy General Director of public security in charge of coordination and planning activities of police forces, Prefect Stefano Gambacurta, the Security Expert from the Italian Department of Public Security seconded to France, Ezio Gaetano, and the security support officer, Caterina Baglivi, were also present.
John Benmussa, advisor for perspectives and strategies in the cabinet of the Director General of Police Nationale, John Benmussa, was present as well.
The heads of the two training institutes also agreed upon the development of cooperation initiatives for 2025 advanced training course attendees such as planning of visits to the respective premises, joint study visits to the EU institutions based in Brussels and The Hague, as well as the exchange of attendees for participation in seminars of common interest and simulations of crisis scenarios.