On 18 March 2024, the Scuola di Perfezionamento Director, National Police Dirigente Generale Maurizio Vallone, in the presence of Prefetto Stefano Gambacurta, Deputy Director General of Public Security Department, responsible for the activities of coordination and planning of Police Forces, welcomed the Senior Police Officers of the French partner Institute IHEMI – Advanced Training Institute of the French Ministry of the Interior, who came to Italy with the aim of attending a one-week training activity together with their Italian colleagues. The program of this visit included some meetings with Italian Police Forces, as well as with bodies and institutions operating in the field of security. Also some manager women, attending the Arianne course at the French Institute, participated in this event.
Carabinieri Corps Brigadier General Alessandro Della Nebbia illustrated to the French colleagues the activities carried out at the Scuola di Perfezionamento and the Service Director of IHEMI, Mr. Frederic Dussel, described the goals and the training activities of the French Institute.