In the afternoon of March 14, at the “Carlo Mosca” conference hall of the Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia, the Director Maurizio Vallone was pleased to open a roundtable panel discussion on “Ethics and transparency as tools to prevent and counter corruption” on the occasion of the closing of the eighth edition of the Anti-corruption master’s degree, organized by the Tor Vergata University of Rome for the 2023-2024 academic year.
The Anti-corruption master’s degree target group includes recent graduates, professionals and employees. Its aim is to provide students with honed interdisciplinary knowledge and prepare professionals capable of operating within legislative and decision-making processes at different levels of governance and institutional relations in different political, institutional, corporate or association contexts. Moreover, it is aimed at providing students, professionals and especially public servants with specialized training on complex implementation of anti-corruption law provisions.
The roundtable panel discussion was attended by Mr. Giuseppe Busia, President of the Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione (National Anti-corruption Authority), Mr. Emiliano Di Carlo, Director of the Anti-corruption master’s degree; Mr. Nello Rossi, Editor of the “Questione Giustizia” magazine and former Advocate General at the Court of Cassation; Mr. Paolo Scudieri, President of the Adler Group and President of Anfia Automotive and Mr. Gianluca Trequattrini, senior officer of Banca d’Italia (Bank of Italy).
The role of moderator was played by Mr. Filippo Cucuccio, Director General of the Associazione Nazionale per lo Studio dei Problemi del Credito (National Association for the study of credit problems).