The face-to-face classes started over to be delivered in face-to face learning mode at the Caserta-based Scuola Internazionale di Alta Formazione per la Prevenzione ed il Contrasto al Crimine Organizzato (International Advanced Training Institute for the Prevention of and the Fight against Organized Crime) in the historical and outstanding venue of the Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione (National Administration College). On Monday 3 October 2022, the famous compound, which belonged to the House of Bourbon, located in front of the beautiful Royal Palace of Caserta, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, welcomed 21 Senior Police Officers/Officials from the Italian and foreign Police Forces, who attended a two-week duration course on “Combating crime through undercoveroperations”.
The foreign Senior Police Officers/Officials coming from different countries, such as Georgia and United States of America, had the possibility to hone their professional expertise by means of intense debates with their board of trainers composed of university professors, psychologists, representatives of Police Forces and magistrates, as well as through the exchange of their peculiar operational experiences.
The sharing of the professional know how among the Italian and foreign Senior Police Officers /Officials during the two-week course strengthened the network of contacts among police investigators, thus increasing the training activity peculiarity of the Caserta-based Scuola Internazionale based on the Italian method to counter organized crime, which can be implemented in all its aspects and in all geographic areas.
This course concluded with the simple but relevant ceremony for the delivery of the attendance certificates by the Director of the Rome-based Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia, Carabinieri Corps Major General Giuseppe La Gala who, on that occasion, underlined the importance to strengthen international cooperation, with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of the fight against organized crime and terrorism.