On 28 October 2022, the anniversary of the first day of class activity of the I Advanced Training Course was celebrated. This date was 29 October 1986.
This event started with a short but relevant celebration, that is to say the flag-raising ceremony which took place in the main courtyard of our Academy. The trainees of the XXXVIII Advanced Training Course participated in this event as well as several representatives of the trainees of the XXVIII Advanced Training Course, who wanted to celebrate the tenth anniversary of their academic training activity.
Then, the representatives of the two above-mentioned courses met at the Lecture Hall of our Academy and the two Course Managers exchanged their crests. This meeting represented an occasion for the delivery of the English/Italian Languages certificates to the Italian and foreign trainees of the XXXVIII Advanced Training Course, who were awarded them at the end of an intensive language training carried out in September and October 2022 under the management of the Foreign Language Centre of the Carabinieri Corps.
This peculiar anniversary is also the date in which the meeting of the Academy Honorary Committee is held. This Committe, which was established in May 2021 by the Chief of Police- Director General of Public Security Department – Prefetto Lamberto Giannini, is made up of the former Directors of the Academy. It is headed by the acting Academy Director with the aim of promoting the strengthening, the development and the spreading of the culture of coordination among Police Forces.
Moreover, the Deputy Director General of Public Security Department, who is responsible for the activity of coordination and planning of Police Forces – Prefetto Stefano Gambacurta, as well as the Senior Member of the Academy Board of Teachers, President Vito Tenore, participated in this annual meeting. This event represented an important occasion to share and analyze in details the possible trends of development of our Academy which, in line with the proposals of the Academy Director, Carabinieri Corps Major General Giuseppe La Gala, will have to be focused not only on the revision of its structure and regulations but, above all, on an increasing coordination and mutual support with the other Training Security Institutes, both at domestic and foreign level, with the purpose of providing a more integrated training activity.