Opening Ceremony of Academic Year  2024 – 2025 at the Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia

     On 27 November 2024, the Opening Ceremony of Academic Year 2024-205 was held at the Rome-based Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia (SFP),in the presence of the Minister of the Interior, Prefetto Matteo Piantedosi.

This event, which took place at the “Prefetto Carlo Mosca” Conference Hall, was attended by the Chief of Police – Director General of Public Security – Prefetto Vittorio Pisani; the Commander General of the Carabinieri Corps, Lieutenant General Salvatore Luongo; the Commander General of the Guardia di Finanza Corps, Lieutenant General Andrea De Gennaro; the Deputy Chief of Penitentiary Administration Department (DAP according to the Italian acronym), Mrs. Lina Di Domenico, as well as by other institutional and judicial authorities.  

Moreover, Mr. Fabio Pinelli, Vice-President of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, participated in this Opening Ceremony.

The SFP Director, National Police Dirigente Generale Maurizio Vallone, addressed his welcome speech to all the  authorities and guests attending this event as well as his heartfelt thanks to all the professors for their daily and significant  contribution to the cultural growth of the trainees.  Then, he illustrated several  training initiatives that will be held during this academic year, as well as the organizational innovations involving the SFP and the Caserta–based Scuola Internazionale di Alta Formazione per la Prevenzione ed il Contrasto al Crimine Organizzato (International Advanced Training Institute for the Prevention of and the Fight against Organized Crime).

The various initiatives will be aimed at the pursuit of excellence in order to make more effective and result-bearing the principle of coordination that moved the  legislator to enact Law  21 in 1981, when the SFP was established.

A total of more than 800 Management Grade and Senior Officers/ Officials from the four Police Forces, Local Police and Foreign Police will be trained in the current academic year.

In particular, the XL Advanced Training Course, including a Level II Master’s Degree in “Security, Interagency Coordination and International Cooperation” with “La Sapienza” University of Rome,  is underway at the SFP. This course is attended by 25 Senior Police Officers/Officials from the four National Police Forces  as well as from foreign Police Forces.

The new curriculum of the Advanced Training Course provides for the participation of 83 professors coming from 10 most prestigious Italian universities and covers a period of  9 months. The curriculum is divided  into eight subject  areas  for a total of 1,500 hours including a 150-hour intensive English course, 450 hours of face-to-face lectures and 290 hours of study and in-depth seminars.

     Furthermore, the SFP will organize four refresher courses on interagency coordination and international cooperation; six crime analysis courses; one course for security experts and one course on Calls for Italian Senior Police Officers to be detached to  EU Agencies and International Organizations.

Four courses organized by the Italian Cepol Unit are also scheduled  as well as  ten courses to be  held at the Caserta-based Scuola Internazionale di Alta Formazione per la Prevenzione ed il Contrasto al Crimine Organizzato, with the participation of about 300 Italian and foreign Senior Police Officers and Officials.

Then, the President of the Council of State, Mr. Luigi Maruotti, delivered  a “Lectio Magistralis” entitled “The evolution of jurisprudence on the subject of anti-mafia interdiction measures” during which, also in light of the most recent case-law guidelines of the  Constitutional Court and  other judicial bodies, illustrated the new trends concerning  the subject, with a special focus on the decisions taken in this specific field by the Council of State as the highest body responsible for  administrative justice.

Finally, the Minister of the Interior, Prefetto Matteo Piantedosi, officially declared the opening of 2004/2025 Academic Year and expressed his appreciation for the activities carried out at the SFP, which provides  its contribution for the  strengthening of the interagency activity characterizing the  Department of Public Security.