Interview with the President of the Council of State, Lawyer Luigi Maruotti

In the morning of 13 June 2024, in the  Caracciolo Hall of this Institute, the Director of the Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia, National Police Dirigente Generale Maurizio Vallone, interviewed the President of the Council of State, Lawyer Luigi Maruotti.

President Maruotti,  after expressing his greetings to the trainees of the XXXIX Advanced Training Course, answered several questions and described the Council of State as well as  the peculiar  nature of the Council itself, which retains both jurisdictional functions and advisory tasks.

The Council of State, as an auxiliary body, is provided for by the Italian Constitution which, in Article 100, describes it as a ‘body entrusted with functions of legal-administrative advice and protection of justice in the administration…’.