On July 9, the Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia hosted a meeting of the European STARLIGHT Project, i.e. a European Project developed in cooperation with Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). The meeting took place at the “Prefetto Carlo Mosca” conference hall.
It was a valuable opportunity for all participants to debate and share progress made by the STARLIGHT Project that is aimed at honing the skills of the European LEAs to counter crime and terrorism by using AI.
The meeting was attended by Barbara Strappato, Director of the 1st Division of Postal and Cybersecurity Police Service, Andrea Carnimeo, Member of the Italian STARLIGHT group, Nizar Touleimat, Project Coordinator – Director of the Research and Innovation Programme at CEA, Michele Fioretto, Member of the Italian STARLIGHT group, Davide Ariu, CEO and co-founder of Pluribus One and Co-chair of OWASP Italy, Evelina Katsarska, Europol Project Manager.