Panel Discussion on  ‘Psychology as a tool for promoting health and operational effectiveness in the National Police’

On Thursday 4 July 2024, in the presence of the Chief of Police – Director General of Public Security Department, Prefetto Vittorio Pisani, a Panel Discussion was held at the ‘Prefetto Carlo Mosca’ Conference Hall  of this Institute on the subject concerning ‘Psychology as a tool for promoting health and operational effectiveness in the National Police’.

This meeting opened with greetings from the Director of the Scuola di Perfezionamento, National Police Dirigente Generale  Maurizio Vallone, the Central Director of Health, Mr. Fabrizio Ciprani, the Director of the Department of Psychology at “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Professor Anna Maria Giannini and the Financial Officer of the National Board of Psychologists, Mrs. Angela Quaquero.

The session was introduced by the Chief of Police – Director General of Public Security Department, Prefetto Vittorio Pisani.

Prefetto Vittorio Rizzi, Deputy Director General of Public Security Department, delivered a Lectio Magistralis entitled: ‘The role of psychology and psychological sciences in police activities’.

The event, organised by the Central Directorate of Health, was attended by the following lecturers:

the President of the Italian EMDR  Association, Mrs. Isabel Fernandez; the researcher at “La Sapienza” University of Rome Professor  Pierluigi Cordellieri; the  National Police Dirigente Superiore  Massimo Improta, Director of the Railway Police Department for Lazio and Sardinia; the National Police Dirigente Superiore Francesca Monaldi, Director of the Railway Police Service – Central Directorate for Road and Railway Police and for Special Units of the National Police; the  National Police Dirigente Superiore  Vincenzo Nicolì,  Director of the Central Operations Service – Central Directorate for Counter-Terrorism of the National Police; the  National Police Primo Dirigente  Vincenzo Di Peso, Director of the 2nd Division – Central Directorate for Prevention Police – Service for Countering Extremism and External Terrorism; the National Police Psychologistwith the rank of Primo Dirigente Tecnico Giovanni Ippolito, Director of the 2nd Division – Central Directorate of Health – Psychology Service; the National Police Psychologist with the rank of Direttore Tecnico Superiore Cristina Bonucchi, Central Directorate for the Forensic Police and Cyber Security – 2nd Division; the National Police Psychologist with the rank of Direttore Tecnico Superiore  Fausta Cosciotti, Central Directorate of Health – Psychology Service – 1st Division; the National Police Psychologist with the rank of Direttore Tecnico Superiore Petri Cucè, Central Directorate of Health – Psychology Service – 1st Division; the National Police  Psychologist with the rank of Direttore Tecnico Superiore Ludovica Moschini, Rome-based Police Headquarters- 1st Division; the  National Police  Psychologist with the rank of Direttore Tecnico Superiore Cristina Pagliarosi, Frosinone-based Police Headquarters; the National Police Vice Questore Luciana Baron, Central Directorate for Road, Railway and Special Police Units of the National Police; Traffic Police Service;  the  National Police Vice Questore Aggiunto Pamela Franconieri, Criminal Police Central Directorate – Central Operations Service – 2nd Division;  the National Police Psychologist with the rank of Direttore Tecnico Capo Monica Paone, Central Directorate of Health – Psychology Service – 1st Division; the National Police Psychologist  with the rank of Commissario Capo Tecnico  Andrea Pelliccione, Aquila-based Police Headquarters; the National Police Psychologist with the rank of Commissario Capo Tecnico  Alberto Sciortino, Central Directorate of Immigration and Border Police.

The moderators of this panel discussion were Professor Anna Maria Giannini, Director of the Department of Psychology at  “La Sapienza” University of Rome and Mrs. Ida Bonagura, National Police Psychologist with the rank of Dirigente Superiore Tecnico, Director of the Psychology Service – Central Directorate of Health.