Panel Discussion on “Energy Sources and National Security”

In the morning of 22 May 2024, a Panel Discussion on ‘Energy Sources and National Security’ was held at the ‘Prefetto Carlo Mosca’ Conference Hall of this Institute.

The Panel Discussion was opened with the welcome speech delivered by Prefetto Stefano Gambacurta, Deputy Chief of Police in charge of coordinating the Police Forces, as well as by the Scuola di Perfezionamento‘s  Director, National Police Dirigente Generale Maurizio Vallone, who introduced the outstanding lecturers  taking part in this event.

The following important personalities  and top representatives of the energy sector participated in this panel discussion :

Luca Alippi, Chief Executive Officer of EP Produzione and Fiume Santo SpA; Filippo Brandolini, Chairman of Utilitalia; Luca Dal Fabbro, Chairman of Iren; Massimo Derchi, Chief Operations Officer of SNAM; Nicola Lanzetta, Chief Executive Officer of Enel Italia; Barbara Marinali, Chairman of Acea; Nicola Monti, Chief Executive Officer of Edison; Francesco Salerni, Director of the Industrial Program Management Office of the Terna Group; Emanuele Del Buono, Director of the Markets Department of GSE.

The moderator for this event was Cesare San Mauro, Professor of Law and Economics of Productive Activities, Faculty of Economics at “La Sapienza” University in Rome.