On 3 December, at the “Prefetto Carlo Mosca” conference hall at the Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia, a round table was held on the topic of “International drug trafficking and money laundering”, accompanied by the presentation of the book “Il Narcos”, with the participation of the authors, i.e. the journalist Daniela De Crescenzo and the Lieutenant of the Guardia di Finanza Corps, Tommaso Montanino.
The meeting was moderated by the journalist Alessandro Zardetto, from the Il Fatto Quotidiano newspaper. The discussion, introduced by the Director of the Institute, Maurizio Vallone, was also attended by Antonio Ardituro, Deputy Prosecutor of the National Antimafia and Anti-terrorism Prosecutor’s Office, Rossella Sabia, Professor of Criminal Law at the Department of Law at the LUISS Guido Carli University, and the Colonel of the Guardia di Finanza Corps, Danilo Toma, Head of the Operations Office of the SCICO in Rome.
The admitted audience included the attendees of the 40th Advanced Training Course, those of the 127th Multiagency Refresher and Coordination Course, as well as a group of Trainee Police Executives from the Istituto Superiore di Studi Penitenziari “Piersanti Mattarella”.
The round table provided a valuable opportunity to take stock of the evolution of the legislation against international drug trafficking. The analysis started from the daring criminal story of Raffaele Imperiale, a member of the Campania-based organized crime known as camorra. Starting from Scampia, a neighbourhood in Naples, he became one of the leaders of international organized crime through the use of the most modern and advanced forms of digital finance. Until his arrest in Dubai in 2021, Imperiale was an essential reference point in the global drug trafficking scene.
His skill in dealings and the credibility he acquired in the international underworld allowed him to play a pivotal role in complex money laundering and illicit financing operations involving numerous subjects, as subsequent sophisticated police investigations revealed.
The round table is part of the initiatives aimed at promoting the training and culture of coordination. It offered a valuable opportunity to delve into the difficult and varied investigation that led to Imperiale’s capture. In fact, the accomplishment of the operation was made possible by the use of the most state-of-the-art information technology and the extraordinarily effective cooperation between the Guardia di Finanza Corps and the Naples mobile squad which allowed them to successfully complete this complex international investigation.