1st Course on Calls for Italian Senior Police Officers to be detached to EU Agencies and International Organizations

On 17 February 2020 the 1st Course on Calls for Italian Senior Police Officers to be detached to EU Agencies and International Organizations was started at our Academy.

Said Course, having a two week duration, was organized in cooperation with the Italian Society for International Organization (SIOI) with the aim of honing the general expertise requested to Italian Senior Police Officers who take part in open competitions announced by the above-mentioned agencies and organizations.

A first teaching activity will be delivered together with a in-depht analysis of the following topics:

  • • European and non-European Institutions (EU agencies operating in the FSJ context: freedom, security, justice); 
  • managerial expertise to run procedures related to organizational changes, issues concerning leadership as well as planning and organization of work flows in multicultural contexts; 
  • communication techniques.

The second teaching activity will be held in English language and will be delivered by an expert in EPSO procedures (EU Office responsible for selecting and recruiting staff) and will be aimed at providing practical training to Senior Police Officers who have to pass specific tests of the competition.