On 12 February 2020, the Course on “Basic Life Support and Defibrlillation (BLSD) Training in adulthood and childhood (Full D)” was held at the Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia (Interagency Law Enforcement Academy of Advanced Studies).
The Course was organized by the Medical Assistance Service of our Academy and was carried out by some members of the military staff from the Croce Rossa Italiana (Italian Red Cross) as well as by some “sisters” belonging to the Corpo Infermiere Volontarie (Voluntary Nurses Unit) of the CRI.
This Course, which had been alredy held in the past at the Academy’s venue, was aimed at training the permanent staff of the Academy as well as personnel coming from the Central Directorate for General Affairs of the Italian National Police in cardio-pulmonary resusitation and defibrlillation practices in case of emergency.