Along with the activities carried out in Rome, another important activity attended by some Senior Police Officers/Officials of the Italian XXXVII Advanced Training Course was conducted in Paris at IHEMI. The Italian trainees had the opportunity to share expertise and experiences with their French colleagues. In particular, different types of public security strategic activities were studied, examined in depth and implemented, also through simulations, with the aim of providing for a wide range of approaches to address problems arising during crisis management.
The importance of this joint initiative was underlined by the Ambassador of Italy in Paris, Teresa Cataldo who, during the brunch organized to welcome the Italian delegation, took the opportunity to highlight that cooperation between the training institutes of these two countries is consistent with the targets provided for by the Patto del Quirinale (Quirinale Agreement), which was signed last year by Italy and France. Also Préfet Eric Freysselinard, Director of IHEMI, participated in this brunch.
The programme, having a five-day duration, included very important initiatives, such as for example an exercise executed with the aim of managing a possible crisis situation. In particular, a multiple terrorist attack perpetrated in the South of France was imagined and the trainees simulated the management of all the intitutional branches involed in this situation, such as the public security units, the territorial rescue teams, the health care, investigation and public order services. In this way, all the aspects regarding the crisis management by public bodies were dealt with, including media relations.
Further occasions to share expertise and experiences were represented by the analyses focused on three possible scenarios concerning operational activities to counter organized crime or to manage public order or migration flows between France and Italy. Upon completion of these activities, the analysis conducted on any sigle topic and relevant comments were illustrated.