On 20 June 2023, the XXXVIII Advanced Training Course concluded an intense year of training activity during the closing ceremony of Academic Year 2022-2023, held at the “Prefetto Carlo Mosca” Conference Hall in the Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia.
This event was held in the presence of the Minister of the Interior, Prefetto Matteo Piantedosi, the Chief of Police – Director General of Public Security Department, Prefetto Vittorio Pisani, the top leaders of the Carabinieri Corps, Guardia di Finanza Corps and Prison Police Department, as well as the Ambassadors, or their representatives, of the countries of origin of the foreign auditors who participated in this course (Albania, Brasil, Republic of Colombia, Peru and Slovakia).
The Scuola di Perfezionamento Director, Carabinieri Corps Major General Giuseppe La Gala, delivered a speech which represented also the conclusion of his three-year mandate as Director of the Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia, and underlined the importance of the whole human development and professional career he has lived together with the permanent staff and the trainees of the courses held in the last three years.
In particular, the Director stressed that the Scuola di Perfezionamento “has been able to bring about innovations every day, with the aim of delivering the best training activity to Management Grade Police Officers/Officials in the national and international scenario, thus representing the focal point in which the expertise of Police Officers/Officials working in the field of security can be increased and honed”.
These results have been achieved due to several innovations introduced both at training and technological level, such as for example the establishment of a learning community by means of the introduction of the services portal in the Internet Site of the Scuola di Perfezionamento; the restyling of the classrooms and the common spaces ; the new training partnerships with national and foreign entities; the ongoing innovation of the curricula which, in the future, will have to be furtherly connected with the three strategic pillars representing the future of our society: cybernetics, economics, environment.
Therefore, in the future “it will be necessary to take into account our job as part of a real ‘supply chain of security’,to beconsidered as a comprehensive combination of elements including an increased number of public and private organizations, activities and resources, which are necessary to ensure the protection of citizens’ fundamental rights”.
Major General La Gala concluded his speech and addressed his best wishes to the trainees of the XXXVIII Advanced Training Course in the hope that they will be able to work for the common good without pursuing personal interests and to demonstrate humility, confidence and bravery, thus recalling a sentence of Peter Ferdinand Drucker: “Behind every successful venture there is someone who made a bold decision”.
Then, the Minister of the Interior took the floor and expressed his best wishes to the trainees of the XXXVIII Advanced Training Course who are about to leave the Scuola di Perfezionamento, in the hope for them to reach their main goals both at human and professional level. Moreover, the Minister of the Interior underlined the ability of the Scuola di Perfezionamento to face the complex issues concerning security and, at the same time, to foresee and manage, having an active approach, the deep changes characterizing our historical period. Finally, he recalled that the word “sapere” (in Italian language. In English language it means to know) has the same root of the words “saporito” (in Italian language. In English language it means tasty) and “sapido”(in Italian language. In English language it means savoury), in the hope that Police Officers/Officials coming from the Scuola di Perfezionamento’s classrooms will be well versed in the democratic culture of security, willing to cooperate in carrying out their activity.
As usual, at the end of the ceremony, the trainees of the XXXVIII Advanced Training Course were awarded the attendance and completion certificate bearing the signature of the Minister of the Interior, as well the II Level Master Degree and earned the “Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia – t.SFP” qualification (a special golden pin). Then, the closing ceremony of Academic Year 2022-2023 was concluded.