In the afternoon of 6 February 2024, the Director of the Scuola di Perfezionamento, National Police Dirigente Generale Maurizio Vallone met and interviewed Mrs. Margherita Cassano, President of the Court of Cassation. The meeting was held at the “Carlo Mosca” Conference Hall of this Institute.
The President, answering to a question posed by the Director on whether gender equality is fully respected in the Italian judiciary, recalled the case of Mrs. Oliva, whose application for the competition to become Prefetto in 1956 paved the way for all women to participate in public competitions, both as regards magistrates and high–ranking public servants who belongs to the so-called Corpo Prefettizio.
Mrs. Cassano explained that a woman working at the Court of Cassation, at the judiciary, or otherwise involved in jobs that have been traditionally carried out above all by men, have a lot of difficulties and must demonstrate great dedication and professionalism.
This is precisely what President Cassano underlined. Moreover, she encouraged all businesswomen to have the courage to express their personality.
Then, Mrs. Cassano illustrated in details the peculiar tasks of the President of the Court of Cassation: to chair the United Sections, to participate ex officio in the Superior Council of the Judiciary and in the Presidency of the Council of the Military Judiciary. This interview was focused of the complex organization of the Court of Cassation, which represents the court of legitimacy of judgments issued by the judiciary.