On 24 May 2023, the Director of the Scuola di Perfezionamento, Carabinieri Corps Major General Giuseppe La Gala and the Secretary General of the Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione, Councilor Riccardo Sisti,signed a cooperation agreement at the Rome-based venue of the Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione (SNA according to the Italian acronym).
This document summarizes and formalizes the contacts and relations previously established among these two institutes responsible for the advanced training at management grade level, in order to facilitate mutual forms of cooperation with the purpose of promoting the enlargement of the network of contacts with training centers of excellence operating in the field of Public Administration.
This agreement is aimed, above all, at planning and delivering joint training activities and, in a broader perspective, at organizing and implementing activities of research and conferences of common interest.
This event was attended also by the trainees of the XXXVIII Advanced Training Course who, on that occasion, participated in an open lesson on the topic “Strategic forecast”. This lesson, which was given by prominent representatives of universities and professional sectors, was based on an interactive learning methodology. The above-mentioned initiative represents the ongoing trend of the Scuola diPerfezionamento to promote the enhancement of knowledge of Management Grade Police Officers/Officials by means of the exchange of opinions and experiences with other sectors of Public Administration with which they are more and more connected. As a matter of fact, an increasingly close cooperation with Public Administration is one of the main strategic goals outlined by the Scuola diPerfezionamento, with the aim of promoting discussion and dialogue with all institutional actors, in the effort of setting up a national and international joint security system.