On 23 April 2024, the Scuola di Perfezionamento Director Maurizio Vallone had the pleasure of hosting outstanding lecturers attending the Seminar on “Virtual Currencies: the tools of analysis, risks and needs for protection from unregulated activity and crypto crime”, held at the “Prefetto Carlo Mosca” Conference Hall of this Institute.
The participants included: Andrea Aymerich, Head of Public Sector MED at Chainalysis Inc; Juan Montaner, Account Executive at Chainalysis Inc; Daniel Poar, Public Sector Training Manager at Chainalysis Inc; Fabio Di Vizio, Member of the Steering Committee of the Scuola Superiore della Magistratura (High School of the Judiciary); Ivano Gabrielli, Director of the Postal and Communications Police Service; Brigadier General Giuseppe Cavallari from the Carabinieri Corps – Commander of the Carabinieri Anti-Money Counterfeiting Command and Brigadier General Antonio Mancazzo from the Guardia di Finanza Corps – Commander of the Special Unit for Privacy Protection and Technology Fraud.
This interesting seminar dealt with the complex issue concerning the legal aspects of virtual currencies in the national and international regulatory framework, with a special focus on the risks and protection requirements in the area of prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, as well as the relevant Italian implementing provisions.
As a matter of fact, the digital market of “virtual currencies” or “cryptocurrencies” represents one of the major focal points for the prevention and control of the risk associated with the laundering of the proceeds of illegal and criminal activities.