This morning, on the occasion of the round table on “The public and the private sectors. Similarities and differences in the management of the resources and cooperators”, held at the “Carlo Mosca” Conference Hall in the Scuola di Perfezionamento, the SPFP Director, National Police Dirigente Generale Maurizio Vallone, welcomed General Giuseppe Zafarana, Chairman of the ENI Board of Directors.
On this occasion, Mr. Alberto Orioli, a journalist, deputy director and columnist of Sole 24 Ore newspaper, was the moderator for this meeting.
The interview was focused on the important and topical issue concerning corporate governance: its purpose, its methods, its targets and its roles and analyzed the recent parliamentary review of economic governance, which re-establishes the rules governing the management and the administration of listed companies, with the aim of making them more strategically effective, thus promoting sustainable and inclusive growth.
A special attention was focused on the fundamental role played by companies involved in public services, which often face the difficulty of the so-called ‘veto players’.
In this framework, a decisive role is played by the Board of Directors which, having a central position in the corporate governance process, is tasked by the shareholders’ meeting with the management of the company and the right to carry out all transactions necessary to implement the company’s objectives. This meeting, which dealt with issues of topical relevance, both at political and management level, aroused great interest among all the trainees attending this event.