In the afternoon of 25 January 2024, the book entitled “The Cold War Never Ended” Stories of Secret Agents and Cyber Spies – written by Mr. Domenico Vecchiarino, a lecturer of the Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia, was illustrated at the “Carlo Mosca” Conference Hall in said Institute.
This book, a sequel of the previous book “The Spies of the Cold War” , published in 2022, deals with the most important spy stories occurred from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the present day.
It is a sort of imaginary travel among the spy stories after the end of the “cold war” and is aimed at demonstrating that political tensions between the world superpowers have not reduced but, rather, have increased and enlarged. Let’s take into account, for example, the great numer of activities carried out by terrorists, operations conducetd by cyber secret agents, wars, upheavels.
After the welcome speech delivered by the Director of the Scuola, National Police Dirigente Generale Maurizio Vallone, Mrs. Flavia Giacobbe, Director of the magazine Formiche, conducted and moderated guest speakers. Mr. Lorenzo Guerini, President of Copasir, the Ambassador of Poland in Italy, Mrs. Anna Maria Anders, the Ambassador of Hungary, Mr. Adam Kovacs, Professor Ranieri Razzante, Member of the IA Committee at the Italian Council Presidency and Mr. Andrea Margelletti, President of Cesi and Advisor of the Defence Minister, participated in this event. The author illustrated the new scenarios of geopolitics in the field of world intelligence services at global level. Then, he closed the meeting and expressed his thanks to all the participants.