In the afternoon of 5 March 2024 , the Scuola di Perfezionamento had the pleasure of hosting at its venue the Panel Discussion on “The Security of the Financial System and Suspicious Transaction Reports” held in the “Carlo Mosca” Conference Hall in this Institute.
The lecturers were outstanding persons working in the field of suspicious transaction reports: Guardia di Finanza Lieutenanat General Michele Carbone, Director of the Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate (DIA according to the Italian acronym); Guardia di Finanza Brigadier General Stefano Lombardi, Commander of the Currency Police Special Unit of the Guardia di Finanza Corps, Mr. Enzo Serata, Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Bank of Italy, Mr. Antonio Graziano, Anti-Money Laundering Manager of Poste Italiane SpA and Mr. Fulvio Berghella, Management Consultant and Security Systems Oasi SpA, application outsourcing and innovative services.
Moderator for this event was Mr. Antonio Gullo, Full Professor of Criminal Law at LUISS “Guido Carli” University of Rome.
At the opening of the panel discussion, the Director of the Scuola di Perfezionamento expressed his greetings and then each lecturer gave his or her own contribution by explaining the various steps characterizing the flow that suspicious transaction reports must follow: from the financial intermediary, represented in this case by Poste Italiane, to the arrival of the report and its subsequent processing by the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Bank of Italy, passing through the Currency Police Unit and the Anti–Mafia Investigation Directorate, until reaching the National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate which, after processing the information, send them to the Anti-Mafia District Directorates which are responsible for this activity or analyze those information to start the relevant investigations.